Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Living on...blessed time.

 Living on borrowed blessed time. 


Recently we had Peter’s six month check up with his Batten Specialist team at Nationwide.   Peter enjoys this appointment because he gets to prove how fast and smart he is.  During the 3 hour appointment Peter is seen by our neurologist, a social worker, an occupational therapist, speech therapist, physical therapist, and a psychologist.  Everyone except for the social worker has a variety of tasks, tests, or measures that Peter has to do in order to document how he is doing and how much he is progressing.  While Peter is doing his tasks Joe and I are answering questions and talking with his team about how he is doing and what we are seeing.  We are very blessed that we are able to have all of these happen in one appointment instead of having to do them each individually.  Peter also loves this appointment because he gets a sushi date afterwards.  


We are happy to report that Peter remains stable in all the areas he was tested.  He does have some behavioral and sensory issues, which we discussed with the team.  He has an upcoming appointment with an eye doctor at Nationwide who has had other Batten’s patients.   He is not showing any signs of seizure activity and he did not show decline in his cognitive ability.  We are thankful for this. 


We had an IEP meeting with Peter’s school team this month.  The main topic was the transition from 3rd to 4thgrade which involves a change in buildings and staff.   Peter continues to do well in school, staying with his peers in everything except for reading and he is working towards being able to read braille.  He has an amazing team behind who help him to be able to learn, grow and succeed and we are very thankful for them.  


I will be honest I often feel like we are living on borrowed time before the next decline in Peter’s health.  While we were driving home from the appointment with Peter engaged in an audiobook Joe and I were talking about the appointment and the upcoming trial.  I expressed that I felt like we were on borrowed time and through the conversation had a shift in thinking.  Instead of it being borrowed time maybe a change in perspective was in order.  What if instead, I thought of it as blessed time.   We are blessed to have this time with Peter when he is able to mostly function as a normal 8 year old.  None of us are guaranteed tomorrow or good health.  But we don’t usually spend our days waiting for something to decline in our health even though it could.  Worry doesn’t fix anything, in fact it mostly makes things worse.  So I am trying hard to live on blessed time and focus on the joys of each day.   Our faith, our family and friends, our church, and community help to make that possible.  Thank you to each of you for your support, your prayers and for walking with us through this journey with Peter.  We are hopeful about the upcoming trial and trying to enjoy as much blessed time as a family as we can.  


Today whatever you are facing, consider how God may be able to provide a change in perspective to allow you to choose joy and have peace.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Mountains and Molehills

 “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill”  is a saying often repeated.   

Lately we have been struggling with Peter because he often latches on to something that to us seems like a small and insignificant thing.  However to him for whatever reason it is a big deal, usually one he cannot move past until it is correctly and fully resolved to his liking
.  When we are at home and/or not under time constraints and/or other responsibilities it is a bit easier to navigate.  Sometimes we are easily able to distract him from whatever he is hyper focused on.  Other times nothing will distract him.  Sometimes it a simple thing; fixing the seam of his sock, finding a stuffed animal, Lego, or rock that he suddenly remembered.  These easy wins are nice and allows us to continue with life or whatever we were trying to do.  Other times he struggles to describe what it is that he wants, needs or express what needs to happen for him to move on.  These times are frustrating, often involve tears.  In these moments we are thankful for God’s grace and the patience to walk through these things.  Thankfully at this point these are not daily occurrences and we work hard to try to keep them from happening where we can.  Peter’s sensory issues seem to be increasing as well.  Again thankfully at this point they are relatively easy to manage.   


Life continues to be full and busy.  We had a wonderful Christmas break.  We were able to celebrate Christmas with my parents and as a family before Christmas.  We had a wonderful Christmas eve service with our church family and then flew to Florida to be with Joe’s family.  We had a wonderful visit filled with crafts, games, Lego, stories, and adventures (some of Peter’s love languages).  We came back and jumped right back into life.  


Next week we have an IEP meeting for Peter. One of the main topics being his transition to 4th grade and a new school building.  We are amazed at Peters continued learning.  He is working hard at tactile reading.  Even with all that is going on in his brain and his body he is still working so hard, learning and growing.  In two weeks he has his check up with his Batten’s team which happens every 6 months. 


This journey that we are on with Peter has helped us have perspective on the mountains and mole hills of life.  The mountain of his diagnosis sometimes seems insurmountable but then Peter gives us a hug and a snuggle or giggles with joy over something silly.  Or someone on Team Peter supports us in consistent or unexpected ways.  Watching Peter and Jacob grow together continues to be a joy.  The other day they snuggled together in their bean bag chair and I said a prayer that they would always share a special and significant bond. 


Speaking of Jacob he is growing with leaps and bounds.  He is generally an easygoing happy baby unless he is teething, tired or hungry.  He is incredibly curious and doesn’t miss much (except his nap occasionally J ).   Our family is blessed.  Thanks for reading, praying, loving and supporting us.  


We are hopeful for the trial that is coming this Spring.  Pray with us for lots of moments of joy and for the ability to keep things in perspective.