August and September proved to be busy months and October will be as well. In the midst of the busyness we have had wonderful time just as a family, with friends, in ministry and outside in God’s beautiful world.
I will hit the highlights on each month’s activities since I have not done so well lately of posting a blog each week.

August started off with a bang with the Women’s Extravaganza Event with close to 3000 ladies mostly from all over Southern Africa and some from all over the continent of Africa. It was a wonderful weekend of fellowship, worship, preaching, and prayer. We helped our South Field Literature Coordinate sell books to the ladies there. The rest of August was spent catching up, preparing for the upcoming month and just getting readjusted to being back in South Africa. At the end of the month we had the privilege of hosting our new Field Strategy Coordinator for a few days. We were able to spend time with Dr Musa and his wife Prudence in fellowship, times of meeting, and also over meals. Pray with us for Dr Musa as he settles into his role.

In September we had another member join our team. Rev Audrey Landers from the USA is with us for the next few months to a year. She will be helping with various projects including the Young Adult Camp that we are having in December here in Jo’berg. We are blessed to have her with us and Peter is loving someone else to play with.
We had the privilege of attending the Kei District Launch and Rally, in Bisho South Africa. Although the weather was very cold the hospitality and Christian testimony of the people warmed our hearts. We are excited to see what God is going to do through the people of the Kei District.

The following week we had the opportunity of sharing about Alabaster in one of our local churches. It was a time to encourage people to take part in what God is doing around the world.
In September we also hosted 5 new District Superintendents from throughout South Africa. It was a wonderful time of learning together, talking through issues, training, fellowship and prayer. We are praying with them as they continue to do what God is calling them to in their districts.

Following this training was the Nazarene Men’s Conference where we once again helped sell books. This was a weekend event similar to the Women’s event. There were about 300 men from all over the field that came together to learn, grow, pray and fellowship.

We were able to share at the Western District Rally about the ministries of NYI, NMI, and SDMI. It was a wonderful time of dreaming how we can reach others for Christ and plant churches in communities where we are not yet.
The following week we had a fun day of being a part of a local church’s VBS program. We shared from Daniel 3; the Fiery Furnace, and putting God First. As I was telling the story I looked over and Peter was listening attentively which was fun to see.

The next few weeks are full of preparing for upcoming assemblies, hosting guests that are coming in and the normal email and things of life. In the midst of the busyness of life and ministry we will have times with friends, time as a family, times chilling at home and times out and about on adventures.
Until next time: When potty training your toddler be ready to talk about pooping, sing about pooping, and dealing more with pooping than you thought possible. Thankfully I don’t remember dreaming about it.
Happy Saturday,
ReplyDeleteI’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award – which is more of a “nod” than an award – and part of this award is to read and nominate 11 other Christian bloggers who encourage you by their writings in Christ. As part of this award-chain, I’ve nominated your blog because I think your blog shows that you have poured your effort and thoughts into making spiritually encouraging and beneficial content online!
I’ve nominated you on my blog If you want to participate, you can read the rules and answer the questions listed there.
This is a great opportunity to read and support other Christian bloggers.
If you don't want to participate, I want to express my thanks for speaking God’s truth into my life