And one more makes four (eventually, hopefully)…

After a year of trying we were blessed with a positive pregnancy
test and then several months later, Peter.
We are so blessed to watch Peter grow into a small version of himself
with a healthy mix of Joe and I shining through. Our second and third pregnancy did not end
with joy rather with the sorrow of miscarriage.
After two years of trying, two miscarriages and increased health issues,
lots of conversations and prayers, Joe and I have decided to pursue adoption to
make our family of four a possibility.

All of these factors added in with lots of research,
conversations, and prayer, have lead us to the decision to pursue trying to
adopt a newborn/infant from the US while we are there on Home Assignment from
the end of March until mid-July.
We were connected with a young lady who wants to put her
baby up for adoption once he is born in May.
However, we recently found out that she has decided to go with a local
family. We have found an agency willing
to come to South Africa and do our home study and help us in gathering all the
needed paperwork for a private adoption. Right now we are doing everything we
can to be ready to adopt should that door open up. We are cautiously optimistic and
We are asking for your prayers as we walk this journey. We are at peace with growing our family in
this way but it does bring with it; its own challenges and possible
heartaches. Pray with us that we would
find peace and joy in the journey and that we would have patience when the
waiting is long and the paperwork seemingly endless and process
impossible. Pray that God would guide us
to the right family or agency to help us find the child who will make us Heath
party of 4.
We would also love your help in one other way (don’t worry
it is not for money); if you know of anyone who may be pregnant and considering
adoption please let us know. Or pass
along our adoption website to them. You
can find that here
We do have an email dedicated to our
Also if you are willing would you share this post on your
facebook page. Thanks!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or any
advice on the adoption journey.
May God continously bless you and give you the desires of your heart. He will do it! #BeEncouraged