Here are a few examples of the transitions that are a normal
part of our life.
Part of our ministry assignment is to host Work &
Witness teams (aka short-term missions teams.)
For 7 – 14 days we immerse ourselves in a new “family” and help that new
family navigate the new place they find themselves. We also spend time preparing before they come
as well as following up after they leave with the local and district leaders.
Other aspects of our ministry mean that usually once a month
we are traveling for at least a weekend if not more. We enjoy being out on the field and hearing
and seeing what God is doing in and through the church. But it comes with planning and a certain
number of transitions.
Part and parcel with being a missionary is the coming and
going of missionary families. It would
take more fingers that I have to count all the Missionary families and
volunteers that have moved in and out of our city and lives in the 3.5 years we
have been here.
Every 2 years we spend 3 months on Home Assignment. We travel throughout the US sharing the story
of what God is doing on the Africa South Field.
Which is a blessing but also comes with it lots of preparation, planning
and lots of transitions.

This has been on my mind lately as I watch friends and colleagues
navigate transitions in their own lives.
Friends who are awaiting the birth of another child, friends who are
changing ministry roles and places, friends who are dealing with loss and what
that means for their family, friends who have moved or are moving, just to name
a few.

As the lyrics of the song “Closing Time” remind us “Every
new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.” Beginnings
and endings come with them a host of emotions.
However I am also reminded of the words of Joshua 1:9 “Have I not
commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be
with you wherever you go.”
So whatever transition you find yourself in remember the
good of what is behind and look forward to the good of what is to come. Always remembering that God is with you.
Until next time:
Remember toddlers have amazing memories (for certain things). Several times we have walked to a nearby
shopping center where they have ice cream cones. Yesterday Peter wanted to go for a walk and
Joe let him lead the way. Guess where he
led the way to; yup to the place where we get ice cream. He was quite sad when he found the doors
locked and lights off. Also he clearly got his sense of direction from his
father not his mother.
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