NYC Serve Day, Vacation, Christmas, Missionary Retreat, and
NYC Serve Day was an amazing day where around 400 youth,
young adults and youth leaders from all over Africa went out to 9 sites around
Johannesburg. The various teams did
children’s outreach, construction, clean up, evangelism, soccer outreach and
lots of fellowship and encouragement of local churches. It was an amazing day and God worked in and
through everyone who participated.
Thanks for your prayers! Please
continue to pray that the youth will continue to remember they are Chosen 2
Change and that they can change their cities and villages. If you are interested here is a link to a
highlight video of the event.
The day after the NYC event was over we went with some good
friends, and missionaries on another field, on a vacation for a few days. It was a great time of rest relaxing and
fellowship. The view from our balcony
was amazing. And the time away after a
very busy few months was much needed.

The rest of January was spent preparing for upcoming
assemblies, upcoming W&W trips, upcoming trainings, and events and catching
up on things after a busy few months. As well as doing all the paperwork and
appointments that go along with the VISA Application Process.
In February we will return to the US to apply for our new
VISA’s as well as being commissioned by the General Board of the Church of the
Nazarene. For a missionary being commissioned
is like being ordained for a pastor. We
are honored to be a part. Pray for us as
we travel. Peter is a very busy and
active 19 month old so holding him in our laps for the long journey will
be…fun. Please pray for an empty seat
beside and a sleepy or relaxed boy for the journey. Pray also that our VISA applications go
through without any trouble.
Life is busy but good.
We are thankful and blessed to be a small part of what God is doing on
the Africa South Field.
Until Next Time Remember:
If your toddler is quiet be afraid be very afraid, it almost never means
that they quietly reading a book or put themselves down for a nap! J
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