Life currently does not look anything like what we thought it would. We should be in the midst of our second Work and Witness team after returning home from the US. This was to be a busy year for W&W teams and for travel. All those things are now canceled. We still have no idea when Peter’s passport will be returned and when we will be able to apply for his Visa. Some days that is overwhelming and hard. Other days we are able to focus on the positives and find joy in the everyday moments. I have been reminded again and again to bloom where you are planted and make the most of the moment you are in.

Peter finally was able to go to a local park and play. We go to the local library every Monday and Friday to pick up a craft pack that they give out based on a book that they have read aloud on Facebook. Peter took swimming lessons and is a little fish who doesn’t always remember to kick. He is getting closer and closer to riding a two-wheel bike. It is important even in times of waiting to make memories and grow.
Peter celebrated his 5th birthday and had a fun party with a couple friends here. He was also so well-loved on by friends and family and now has a wall filled with cards and pictures from around the world. A couple of days after his birthday he asked if his next birthday was next week. J

We have been able to serve as a family with a ministry through one of the Nazarene churches in the area. They sort, package, and hand out food to over 600 families each week. On Tuesdays, our family is able to go and sort the food together. On Wednesday Joe is able to help pass out the food. Joe has also been able to help the local church that has blessed us with the home we are living in, with a couple of projects. Being able to serve others is not something that can only happen in a certain country, setting, or zip code.

We like many others continue to have lots of Zoom meetings and Whatsapp calls. Thankfully technology allows us to do a lot from afar. Emails find you wherever you are in the world.

Peter really wanted to plant a garden and so we bought a few tomato seedlings and he choose sunflower seeds and carrot seeds. We have planted them and already they are starting to sprout and grow. We do not know if we will get to see them bloom or not, but Peter is enjoying taking care of them and watching them grow. Those plants for me are a reminder to bloom where you are planted. We never really know how long we are going to be in a place, or when something will come along and change everything, however that shouldn’t prevent us from putting down roots, it should not prevent us from trying to grow and blossom right where we are at the moment.
I don’t know where you are at the moment. I do know that most of us have been affected by COVID-19. There are lots of questions, there is lots of unrest, whether it be because of the virus, the racial tensions, unemployment, or other reasons, but even in the midst of that, God is calling us to rest in Him and to grow and bloom wherever we are.
Until next time: If you really want your 5-year-old to listen to you, whisper, if you don’t want them to listen at all say their name and give a direct and clear command. This has been proven in various settings and with various commands.