Tonight is our last night in our own beds, in our home in Johannesburg for the next three or so months. Peter is saying goodbye to all his friends for a while. And we are saying goodbye to our lives and routines here for a few months. We are leaving home to return home to then come back home. J It can be a bit confusing, but we are very thankful for the many people and places that home represents.
Over the next few months, we will be in 14 different states, drive over 7,500 miles, and speak at close to 50 services. We will see family, friends who are like family and we will meet new friends. Every Home Assignment we try to do something fun to make the many miles traveled a bit more fun. This year we are going to try and go to at least one park and library in every state we are in for more than 24 hours.
If you think of it will you say a prayer for Peter? Pray for his little heart. Sometimes he struggles with all the goodbyes and hellos in his life. He misses the people who he connects with who aren’t around anymore. Sometimes he longs for a bit more normal routine than we can offer. Pray for safe travels and patience and grace for all of us, as we will be together 24/7 with long hours in the car. Pray for the churches that we will connect with that they hear God speak through us and have the courage to respond.
We will try to post some photos along the way of our park/library adventures and keep you updated on where in the world is Peter Heath. Tonight he is his bed in Johannesburg tomorrow night he will be over the Atlantic Ocean with +/- 300 other people. Thursday night he will be at Grandma and Grandpa’s house and he is very excited.
Until Next time: If you want to have a little fun try explaining to a 4-year-old why it is afternoon where you are and morning where grandma and grandpa are (and where you are going.) I am pretty sure he still has no clue why…maybe his dad can explain it to him better on the plane ride.