This time of year always seems to go by so quickly. It is springtime here in South Africa, the trees and grass are turning green each day and the rains will hopefully come soon. At the beginning of September, Joe’s parents were here for a visit. We had a great time with them showing them around here introducing them to places and people that we enjoy. The weather if finally warm enough for Peter to be able to wear short pants, which makes him very happy. Each morning he wakes up and asks if it is springtime, which means he can wear shorts. Some mornings are still cold enough that he starts the day in long pants then can wear shorts, but he seems to be ok with that most days.

In the month of September we said “see you later” to a wonderful volunteer that has been with us this past year. She was involved in many different areas of ministry here and we will really miss her. We also said “welcome” to another volunteer who will be working in a neighboring country for a few months. He will be helping with a village church’s building project. Last week Joe traveled with the volunteer to get him set up in his new country.

The hellos and goodbyes are often hard for Peter as he misses the people that he connects with whether that is people visiting us here or when we are in the US. Peter has been doing well in his preschool that he has been going to 2 days a week. He is really learning and developing seemingly each day with new things such as Watermelon starts with a W. He also enjoys rhyming words, although he still doesn’t always get it. He often will ask about words that start with the same letter or sound and ask or say that they rhyme. Sometimes we correct him, other times we enjoy hearing his young mind at work.
Beth continues to be very busy balancing her studies, with work, ministry and family. Some days are easier than others to balance, but together we always make it work and are sure to spend time with Peter having fun and learning.

Also in September we taught a module class at the Theological College. We team-taught and had 11 students in our class. They are a great group of eager young people who are training to be pastors and leaders. It was really nice to connect with them and be a part of their studies.
Until next time:
Going into the kitchen wearing socks is not the best way to learn that it is flooded with water from the washing machine. It is better to do that in flip flops ;)