August is a difficult month for us. A year ago this time we were excited yet
scared after finding out we were pregnant.
We were excited because we wanted a second child; scared because we had
already experienced one miscarriage and knew another one was possible. A short while later our worst fears were
realized, we had another baby that we would always hold in our hearts but never
in our arms.
The second miscarriage was harder for me to deal with. I had known that miscarriage would be a part
of my story however after we had the first one I kept telling myself we
wouldn’t have to go through two. But
that was not our story. I will be honest
I have always struggled with the mantra that “everything happens for a
reason.” Now I struggle with it even
more so, many times I have to bite my tongue when I hear that…sometimes I
don’t. There is too much death,
sickness, violence, drought, war, and poverty in the world around me for me to
believe that everything happens for a reason. I do believe that reason or purpose can be
found for the things we go through. For
me there is a profound difference between the two. What I have experienced allows me to be more
understanding and aware of what others around me are going through. It didn’t happen so that I could be more
understanding but because it happened I can be.
The two miscarriages that we experienced and our not yet
completely written adoption story changed the way I understood motherhood,
pregnancy and adoption. I don’t believe
God caused my miscarriages, that is the result of the broken world we live in
and my PCOS. However I can testify to
the fact that God has been always present with me on the journey. In the times of weeping from heartbreak, time
of anger, times of hopelessness and fear, in the times of depression, and in
the times of questions; He has been faithful.
Not always with an answer or solution or a magic quick fix; but simply
reminding me of His presence with me and His undying love for me. He has also been with me during the times of
joy, of laughter, of happiness, and feeling fulfilled and hopeful. The world does not stop revolving; time does
not stop; life continues on. Peter
continues to grow and change; Joe and I continue to age (although not with
quite as much grace and enthusiasm as Peter.) I have chosen to be open and honest about my
journey with miscarriages and depression. Partly because it helped me to cope
and partly because it helped give purpose to what had happened.
I don’t know what you are going through today; what things
are keeping you up at night, weighing heavy on your heart, or keeping you from
God. I don’t believe that everything happened
or is happening for a reason. But I do
believe that you can find purpose or reason in what happened or is
happening. More than that I know there
is a God that wants to be present with you and comfort you in the midst of the
brokenness and the questions, if you will acknowledge Him and let Him.
Until next time: When
biting your tongue to prevent from saying something you shouldn’t…don’t bite so
hard that you actually bite into your tongue.
It is painful and not nice.