Home is an interesting word
and concept.
In the English language it
can be a noun, adjective, adverb and a verb.
Today I want to home in (see what I did there) on the noun and adjective
use of home.
According to the oxford dictionary…
Interesting side story I LOVE using the internet to look up words. If I spell the word wrong it helps me figure
out how to spell it correctly. Growing
up, whenever I would ask my mom how to spell a word she would instruct me to
look it up in the dictionary. To which I
would respond either out loud or in my head to do that I need to know how to
spell the word. Needless to say there
were a couple of times that I had to go through all the D’s to find the
spelling of dyslexic. Also it is a bit unkind
to give a learning disability a difficult spelling, but I digress.
According to the oxford dictionary
home is: “the
place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or
The other definition given that I like is: “a place where something flourishes, is most typically found,
or from which it originates.”
While we were traveling, small talk
about home was always a little awkward.
Explaining where home is or trying to
communicate the concept of having several homes is not always easy or
understood. When Peter is older it will
be interesting how he navigates the “where is home” question. We had some fun trying to explain to Peter
that we were home and we were going to be staying here not moving on to the
next place in a couple of days.
This week whether you are “home” or far
away from home, you can create an environment wherever you are that those
around you can flourish.
Until next time: When your jetlagging
toddler falls asleep sitting up while you are reading to him, maybe it is time
to let him lay down for a little while even if it is only 5:30pm.