Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Days Like Today

The water is dripping off the dishes.  The couch has welcomed me into its soft embrace.  My body is tired but my heart is full.  Today has been a good day.  We taught our class at NTC and then heading back to the office to do our part in the New DS training for a recently appointed DS on our field.  Then we had a great time of fellowship at our house with the new DS and another missionary family.  We talked about missions and ways that people on his district can get be involved.  Plans were made for a training time about missions on his district.  There is even talk of the district forming a team to go to another area on the Africa South Field.   Today we got to be a small part of what God is doing here on the Africa South Field. 

There are days like today in the life of a missionary.  Days when pieces fall into place; days when what you have been working for and praying for starts to come together.  Today is a day that it is easy to blog.  But I know; just as sure as I know that the dishes won’t magically put themselves away; that there will be other days where I will want nothing more than to crawl back into bed and sleep.  Which is another great reason to get today on record because, on those days when the “bed magnet” is stronger than my desire to be a responsible adult, I can be reminded of days like today.   Days like today are easy to forget when the not so great and fulfilling days pile up. 

I don’t know what kind of day you had today.  But I have good news and bad news; today will soon be tomorrow and before long, tomorrow will be yesterday.  For better or for worse time keeps marching on.  The to do list has things crossed off and things added to it.  Stressful moments get forgotten with the marching on of time; as do the fulfilling moments.  A verse that keeps coming to mind is in Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”  Take note of the good days in life; treasure them; ponder them in your heart.  Be quick to forget the stressful days. 

Tomorrow Joe and I have our first baby class.  We are excited about learning more about what to except and we are also hopeful about meeting some friends that are in the same time of life that we are. 

Until next time remember the toaster usually works better when it is plug in. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

To Do Lists; Work and Witness; and Upcoming Home Assignment

I (Beth) am working from home today; just the beginning of many changes in routine that are coming in our lives.  The washer and dryer and both going as we are washing some used baby clothes that we purchased this weekend.  (Funny side story- we bought the clothes off of OLX, the South African version of Craigslist, and the guy we bought them from was from Boston.  So while I was looking through all the clothes he and Joe talked about Boston.  It is a small world.)  Another change in life is I have become a "to do" list maker.  It is the only way I remember what exactly I am supposed to be working on.  I am also guilty of adding items I completed to the list so I can cross them off and feel like I have accomplished something.  :) :) We are researching things like getting all the needed documents for our little one to be a US citizen and starting to divide out the cost per diaper (or nappie as they call them here).   Each day brings us one day closer to our little one’s birth.  And so we continue to prepare as best we can as well as continue to carry out our responsibilities and ministries here. 

The last couple of weeks we have been at home and in the office.  It has been nice to have a couple of weeks of being in one place.  We have been able to work on several projects both at the office as well as home.  One of the exciting things we are working on are several Work and Witness trips.  There is a partnership/exchange in the beginning stages between Brazil and South Africa.  The hope is that a Brazilian Team will come in March of next year and later on that same year a team of South African’s will go to Brazil.  There is a team being formed from one of the Districts here in South Africa that is interested in going to another District within South Africa.   There are also several teams coming and going from the US.  If you are interested in being a part of a team that will be showing the Jesus Film and doing other outreach in September, please let us know.  The team is open to having other members join and we can put you in contact with the team leaders. 

We are beginning to work on our Home Assignment Schedule for our Home Assignment which will be from the beginning of April 2016 to the beginning of July 2016.  Send us a message at if you are interested in having the Heath’s come and share what God is doing on the Africa South Field.    Added bonus is that we will even bring our little one along with us so you can meet him.  :) 

This week whether you are working off a to do list or just getting things done as they come up; remember to have some fun in the midst of the everyday.  Remember to be mindful of those around you and ways you can be a blessing to them.

Until next time: If you own an Ipad and you accidentally drop it and then it won’t turn on but it will still take pictures.  Google how to fix it; laugh at the suggestion of turning it over and patting firmly on the back on your lap.  Have four people all try it softly at first and then more firmly in the process accidentally take a few pictures.  And laugh hysterically when it actually works.  Chuckle every time you see the owner of the now working iPad (a friend of ours).