The last month has been full and evidenced by the length of this blog. The month has been full of laughter, a few tears, full of hellos and see you laters; full of reconnecting with friends and making new ones; full of conferences, trainings, times of worship, reflection, prayer and teaching. This last month has full of God moments, blessings, and little glimpses of God’s kingdom here on earth.

Immediately following our training there was a Leadership Conference for all the DS’s on our field (the Africa South Field) as well as the Africa South East Field and Africa Lusophone Field. This event ended with an ordination service of elders and deacons from the South Field. It was a blessing to be able to be a part of that event and for me (Beth) to be a part of the Elder’s who prayed over those being ordained.

Following the Regional Conference we were able to connect with Pastor Oboy and Tiny Pheko of Bokaa Botswana. They are the local pastor of the church in Botswana where we had a team in October. They were at the airport for several hours so we were able to spend some time with them. Then we were able to greet a team that was coming in from the states and working with a partnership in Swaziland.

On Wednesday after we taught our class at NTC we jumped in the truck and drove to Swaziland to join the team that was working there (the one we had greeted at the airport). We stayed there until Friday and enjoyed our time together with them and our leaders in Swaziland. When we left Swaziland we met up with some missionary friends and went camping and climbing in a place called Waterval Boven. It was a great weekend to relax and enjoy good company, wonderful food, amazing scenery and some time to relax.
This week was a week of catching up on work, emails, sleep, laundry and life in general. It was nice to be home and have a slower pace for a little bit before our lives change again with the birth of our baby boy.
Our little one is doing well. He is growing and moving around. With the events of last week behind us we are now able to focus on preparing for his arrival. We both have project lists to keep us busy on the evenings and weekends.
We are blessed and we are thankful. Our prayer is that we are a blessing to all those we come into contact with.
Until next time, remember: Who I am kidding I can’t remember what I am not supposed to forget I’m pregnant and was prone to forgetfulness even before that, so…until next time remember to not forget what you need to remember and if you are smart enough to write it down you should also remember where you wrote it down….